USG ME Building Materials; Ceiling, gypsum boards metal framing

Interior Finishes

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Plaster Bonder - 160207

USG™ Plaster Bonder is a vinyl acetate homo-polymer emulsion used to bond new plaster to any structurally sound interior surface. The product is available clear, or tinted pink to allow visual confirmation of application where desired. It is a liquid that may be applied by brush, roller or spray in a uniform coating. When dry, USG Plaster Bonder forms a film that rewets when plaster is applied to provide an integral, strong, durable bond. Compatible with gypsum plaster, cinder block, stone, gypsum drywall panels and other similar materials; should not be used around swimming pools or in exceptionally moist or humid areas. Do not apply to underside of concrete roof decks.
  • For bonding new plaster to any structurally sound interior surface
  • Provides enhanced and fortified adhesion to a wide variety of sound substrates
  • Compatible with a large assortment of gypsum
  • and cement-based plasters
  • Easily applied by brush, roller or spray to a uniform continuous film
  • Clear, or tinted to allow easy visual inspection when required
  • Film dries quickly for same day use, or may be left unplastered for up to 10 days.
Product Data
  • Coverage: USG Plaster Bonder—Clear or USG Plaster Bonder—Pink Color will cover approximately 300 ft.2 (27.8 m2)/gallon (3.78 L)
  • Storage: Store material in a cool, dry place. Avoid direct sunlight. Maintain temperature above 40 °F (4 °C)
  • Shelf Life: Up to 12 months under protected storage conditions. Rotate stock
  • Availability and Cost: USG Plaster Bonder—Clear and USG Plaster Bonder—Pink Color are distributed throughout the United States. Contact a United States Gypsum Company sales office or sales person for additional information
  • Packaging: USG Plaster Bonder—Clear and USG Plaster Bonder—Pink Color are available in one-gallon and five-gallon containers

Apply uniform film over entire surface using brush, roller or spray applicator. Allow to dry one hour or until the surface is dry to the touch. Plastering can begin as soon as Plaster Bonder is dry to the touch, or delayed for up to 10 days with no effect on bond. Before plastering, inspect bonding agent application to ensure a continuous film. Reapply USG Plaster Bonder to any areas not satisfactorily covered. Do not apply wallpaper to newly bonded plastered surface for 90 days.




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