Sheetrock Lightweight All Purpose Joint Compound - JCAPL-17
USG Boral SHEETROCK® lightweight all-purpose joint compound is more flexible and easier than other joint compounds for embedding joint tape and for filling and finishing gypsum panel joints, corner bead, trim and fasteners. Also for hand-applying simple textures. Complies with ASTM C475.
Excellent workability (including better slip and pull)
Low shrinkage, easy sanding
Better filling
Application: USG Boral SHEETROCK® Brand Lightweight All Purpose Joint Compound is a high-performance compound specifically formulated for the professional plasterboard finisher. It weighs up to 25% less than conventional weight compounds and provides superior workability, including slick application, good open time, excellent crack resistance and easy sanding. It eliminates entrained air to minimize cratering and minor surface imperfections. Vinyl formulation ensures professional quality finishing and low shrinkage; metal such as corner bead and fasteners usually can be covered with just two coats, saving time and money. In brief, it is used for embedding tape filling and finishing coats in interior plasterboard applications. Also for covering corner bead, fasteners and trim, for skim-coating plasterboard surfaces and for hand-applying simple textures
Mixing: Always use clean tools
Do not mix with residues of previously used compounds
The inclusion of such materials will impair the performance of this product and will void the product warranty
SHEETROCK® Brand Lightweight All Purpose Joint Compound may appear thick in pail. Before adding water, lightly mix & test its application; if required, add water to achieve desired consistency
Caution: Avoid over-thinning when adding water as this may cause cracking and excessive shrinkage
If liquid has separated from the compound, stir carefully to restore consistency
Caution: Do not over mix; over mixing can introduce air bubbles, which can create surface imperfections
Storage: USG Boral SHEETROCK® Lightweight should be stored under a cover in a dry environment and protected from temperature extremes; storage in an unsuitable environment can shorten the lifespan of this product
USG Boral SHEETROCK® Lightweight has a shelf life of 12 months from date of manufacture
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