USG ME Building Materials; Ceiling, gypsum boards metal framing

Interior Finishes

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Durock Basecoat - PBCD-25

USG Boral DUROCK® Basecoat is composed of Portland cement and dry latex polymers specially designed for exteriors walls, ceilings and DUROSCREEN™ 2100 System (EIFS, Exterior insulation and finishing system). It is prepared on site with water and applied with exterior tape DUROCK ® brand reinforcement at joints between boards, inside and outside corners. Meets or exceeds the following standards ASTM C472-79, C266-86, C109, EN 99E-1.
  • Specially formulated for Durock® system
  • High flexibility
  • Exceptional bond to the substrate
  • High performance designed for use in EIFS system
  • Asbestos-free product.
  • Application: The surface where you will apply the cement must be completely clean, dry and free of dust, ice, grease, oil or other substances that may prevent adhesion. Fill joints with DUROCK® Basecoat with a Hammer-End Joint Knife and then place the reinforcing exterior tape DUROCK® brand, retroweling removing excess of Basecoat in order to embed the tape. Cover corners and vinyl beads. The thickness of the DUROCK® Basecoat must be thin, no more than 1 mm. Remove excess with a flat metal wool or polystyrene wet. Allow dry at least 4 hours. Once the joints are dry, apply a uniform layer of 2 mm. (1/16 “) thick over the entire surface of Basecoat DUROCK® brand with a flat trowel. Allow dry at least 24 hours before applying any seal or finish
  • Mixing: Place 5 liters of water in a container. Start the mixer; slowly add Basecoat and mix until to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Add more water if is necessary. Approximate water-cement ratios for Basecoat (hand or machine application) are 6 liters per bag. Mix plaster with a cagetype paddle driven by a heavy-duty drill capable of producing 300 to 450 rpm. When the mixture is smooth and free of lumps, let stand 15 minutes, and then re-mix to a smooth paste
  • Storage: Store material in a cool, dry place. Avoid direct sunlight. Maintain temperature above 4 °C (40 °F)
  • Shelf Life: Up to 12 months under protected storage conditions
  • Keep out moisture
  • Avoid dew point conditions or excessive moisture
  • After opening the bag close hermetic as possible. Stowing 60 bags maximum



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